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Bacon Grabbers


Laurel and Hardy are employed as repossession men for the local sheriff's office. They are given the challenging task of repossessing a radio owned by Collis P. Kennedy, described as a tough customer, who has not paid any installments.

Movie Info

Directed by: Lewis R. Foster
Written by: Leo McCarey, H.M. Walker
Produced by: Hal Roach

Starring: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy
Cinematography: George Stevens
Edited by: Richard C. Currier

Distributed by: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Release date: October 19, 1929
Running time: 20 minutes

Country:United States
Languages: Synchronized Sound, English (Intertitles)


Laurel and Hardy find themselves in a rented room, attempting to rest for the night. However, their efforts are thwarted by Hardy's persistent coughing due to a cold and Laurel's disruptive snoring, leading to mutual insomnia.
Two familial units embark on a Sunday outing, utilizing a Ford Model T as their mode of transportation. However, their journey is fraught with challenges stemming from the unreliable nature of the vehicle.
Two sailors, Stan and Ollie, encounter two aesthetically pleasing women during a leisurely stroll in the park.
Stan and Ollie, two musicians en route to a performance in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, find themselves embarking on a sleeper train.
A hotel reception awaits an important guest - a Germanic prince referred to as His Highness and his prime minister. These disembark from their car just as Laurel and Hardy arrive. Hotel staff presume Hardy is the prince and a crowd gathers as they sign the register.
Ollie extends a cordial invitation to Stan for dinner, tempting him with promises of a sumptuous feast comprising steak, mushroom sauce, strawberries, whipped cream, coffee, and a cigar.

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