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Big-Hearted Bosko


A skate-clad Bosko leaps and prances upon the ice, his dog Bruno barking rhythmically, here and there narrowly avoiding sliding into patches of yet-unfrozen water; the poor canine cannot keep up with his master forever and eventually slides into the frigid pond.

The dog's howling catches Bosko's attention and, as Bruno sinks, our hero wonders aloud desperately what he should do. But the lost creature pops mockingly out of a nearby hollow log, taunting Bosko, who breaks a branch from a nearby tree and tosses it to the wind for Bruno to fetch with great enthusiasm.

Coming upon the stick, Bruno is spooked by the sound and movement coming from a covered basket: running back to alert his master, the dog bumps into a young tree and is forthwith buried in snow. Undeterred, the animal continues back to the basket, now accompanied by Bosko, who warns his friend to stay back.

But, finding the contents of the basket to be harmless, Bosko invites Bruno to check under its cover: a baby in a bonnet pops out, squeezing Bruno's nose when the animal comes too close. Repelled, Bruno's plight is lovingly laughed at by Bosko, who merrily orders Bruno to carry the basket home. Off skates Bosko, Bruno and baby behind; the infant cries as Bosko scats a lullaby.

Back home and by a roaring fire, Bruno rocks the baby in his cradle as Bosko plays a gentle theme on a violin. Still, the baby cries; for all Bosko's plucking and Bruno's grinning, still, the baby cries. Frustrated, the dog storms off, taking an unlucky seat upon the hot stove. Behind aflame, Bruno leaps about in anguish, quenching the fire at last with a bucket of water.

At this, the whiny infant laughs! But this mirth is short-lived: the hollering springs afresh and Bosko, abandoning his fiddle, takes up a fife, intoning "The Waxies' Dargle" to Bruno's percussive accompaniment. When this avails naught, Bosko tries verbally to comfort the foundling, who complains in song.

Bruno again storms off, this time to the bathroom; he slams the door, jostling a lintel-mounted cuckoo clock, which falls from its perch, hits the dog on his head, and mocks the creature's resultant daze with a timely "cuckoo! cuckoo!"

The baby cries. Bosko tickles his charge and then leaps for the piano; he intersperses his performance with shadow puppetry. Bruno reenters, happily joining the musical act by donning a lampshade as though it were a hoop skirt.

Finally, the baby seems happy. Bosko dances off, skating upon a rug up to his stove, popping open the oven-door briefly to reveal a live bird in a roasting pan. Our hero skips back, finally sliding into a decorative column, knocking over a small fish bowl, which flips over upon his head to the giggles of his audience. (Wikipedia)

Movie Info

Directed by: Hugh Harman
Produced by: Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising, Leon Schlesinger
Starring: Bosko

Music by: Frank Marsales
Animation by: Isadore Freleng, Rollin Hamilton (as "Drawn by")
Color process: Black-and-white

Production company: Harman-Ising Productions
Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures, The Vitaphone Corporation
Release date: March 5, 1932

Running time: 7 minutes
Language: English
Country of origin: United States


Pugilist Bosko stands on a chair, merrily boxing his punching bag; at her home, an admiring Honey reads that her sweetheart is going to fight the Champion and turns on the radio to hear the same news.
Bosko at the Zoo is an American animated short film featuring Bosko and Honey.
A gang of male animals set out on a fox hunt equipped with guns, horses and hounds; however, a fox evades them. The fox is discovered by Bosko and his dog, Bruno, who are out hunting foxes as well.
Bosko, depicted as the owner/runner of a soda shop or ice cream parlor, serves sodas to a mouse and his old teacher (a hippo). His teacher's soda is sprayed in her face by a fan, causing her to leave the shop in anger.
The cartoon opens with images of explosions, gunfire, and heavy artillery; one character even fires into the camera. It is World War I, and the ever-cheerful Bosko is a doughboy eating down in a trench
Bosko, the captain of a ship, is shipwrecked on a desolate island, where he is awoken by the monkeys and birds inhabiting the island.

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