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Science, News.
The first wiring diagram of every neuron in an adult brain and the 50 million connections between them has been produced for a fruit fly. »
Science, News
To survive, plants need pollinators like bees to come to them. »
Overpasses are one of the worst places to seek shelter from a tornado — find out what to do instead. »
Science, News.
On an underwater expedition off the coast of Puerto Rico in 2015, led by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, scientists discovered a new species of comb jelly. It is the first species solely identified through high-definition video. »
Science, News.
According to Pythagoras, ‘consonance’ – a pleasant-sounding combination of notes – is produced by special relationships between simple numbers such as 3 and 4. »
Science, News.
Concrete is the second most-used substance on Earth, after water... »
Science, Oceans, Earth.
The glacier has been one of the island's largest contributor's to sea level rise, but in a new study, it grew slightly and the rate of mass loss slowed down. »
Water: It's an essential building block of life, constantly moving in a hydrologic cycle that flows in a continuous loop above, across and even below the Earth's surface. How does the water cycle work? »
Science, News.
Scientists have uncovered the properties of a rare earth element that was first discovered 80 years ago at the very same laboratory (...) »
Artificial Intelligence is becoming a way of life, with new systems and uses popping up everyday. »
What are microplastics? How do they harm the environment? »
While dinosaurs’ days of dominating the Earth ended 65 million years ago, leaving us few fossil remains to give us clues about how they lived until now. »

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