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Solar Eclipses Explained


What is a solar eclipse? How is an annular eclipse different? How do we study the sun?

Dr. Carrie Black, a program officer at the U.S. National Science Foundation who oversees operations at the National Solar Observatory, explains the science of the sun and answers commonly asked questions about our star.


What is a black hole? How do they form?
Advancing tools and techniques are revealing more about black holes, but they also raise more questions that continue to capture the imaginations of people everywhere.
Geomagnetic storms, solar storms, sunspots, and solar flares belong to a set of phenomena known as "space weather".
Where does space begin? Well, it depends...
There's a huge amount of variety among exoplanets – planets outside our solar system.
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has discovered an 11-Jupiter-mass exoplanet called (...)

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