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Canada: Weather Forecast Places
We have weather forecasts for 858 places in Canada. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).
Kamloops, British Columbia weather forecast
Kamsack, Saskatchewan weather forecast
Kanata, Ontario weather forecast
Kangerdlinerk, Nunavut weather forecast
Kapuskasing, Ontario weather forecast
Kedgwick, New Brunswick weather forecast
Kelowna, British Columbia weather forecast
Kemptville, Ontario weather forecast
Kenora, Ontario weather forecast
Kensington, Prince Edward Island weather forecast
Kent, British Columbia weather forecast
Kentville, Nova Scotia weather forecast
Killam, Alberta weather forecast
Killarney, Manitoba weather forecast
Kimberley, British Columbia weather forecast
Kincardine, Ontario weather forecast
Kindersley, Saskatchewan weather forecast
Kingsey Falls, Québec weather forecast
Kingston, Ontario weather forecast
Kingston-Greenwood, Nova Scotia weather forecast
Kirkland Lake, Ontario weather forecast