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Slovenia: Weather Forecast Places
We have weather forecasts for 2255 places in Slovenia. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).
Adlesici, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Ajba, Goriška weather forecast
Ajbelj, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Ajdovscina, Goriška weather forecast
Ajsevica, Goriška weather forecast
Andraz nad Polzelo, Savinjska weather forecast
Andrejci, Pomurska weather forecast
Anhovo, Goriška weather forecast
Ankaran, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Anze, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Apace, Podravska weather forecast
Arclin, Savinjska weather forecast
Armesko, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Arnace, Savinjska weather forecast
Artice, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Artvize, Obalno-kraška weather forecast