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Slovenia: Weather Forecast Places

We have weather forecasts for 2255 places in Slovenia. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).

Slovenia Weather Forecasts:

Sabonje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Safarsko, Pomurska weather forecast

Saksid, Goriška weather forecast

Salamenci, Pomurska weather forecast

Salinci, Pomurska weather forecast

Salka vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sanabor, Goriška weather forecast

Sapnik, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sared, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sarsko, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Satahovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Sava, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Savci, Podravska weather forecast

Savica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Savinsko, Podravska weather forecast

Sebeborci, Pomurska weather forecast

Sebenje, Gorenjska weather forecast

Sebrelje, Goriška weather forecast

Secovlje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sedlarjevo, Savinjska weather forecast

Sejanci, Podravska weather forecast

Sekirisce, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sela, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sela, Podravska weather forecast

Sela pri Dobovi, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Sela pri Hinjah, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sela pri Jugorju, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sela pri Kamniku, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sela pri Smarju, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sela pri Sumberku, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sela pri Visnji Gori, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Selce, Podravska weather forecast

Selisci, Pomurska weather forecast

Selnica ob Muri, Podravska weather forecast

Selo, Gorenjska weather forecast

Selo, Pomurska weather forecast

Selo nad Laskim, Savinjska weather forecast

Selscek, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Sembije, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Semic, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Semnik, Zasavska weather forecast

Sempas, Goriška weather forecast

Sempeter, Goriška weather forecast

Sempeter v Savinj. dolini, Savinjska weather forecast

Senadole, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sencur, Gorenjska weather forecast

Senik, Podravska weather forecast

Senik, Goriška weather forecast

Senovo, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Senozece, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sentanel, Koroška weather forecast

Sentgotard, Zasavska weather forecast

Sentilj pod Turjakom, Koroška weather forecast

Sentilj v Slov. goricah, Podravska weather forecast

Sentjanz, Savinjska weather forecast

Sentjanz pri Dravogradu, Koroška weather forecast

Sentjernej, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sentjost nad Horjulom, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sentjur, Savinjska weather forecast

Sentlambert, Zasavska weather forecast

Sentozbolt, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sentpavel, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sentrupert, Savinjska weather forecast

Senturska Gora, Gorenjska weather forecast

Sentvid pri Grobelnem, Savinjska weather forecast

Sentvid pri Planini, Savinjska weather forecast

Sentvid pri Sticni, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sentvid pri Zavodnju, Savinjska weather forecast

Sentviska Gora, Goriška weather forecast

Senuse, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Sesce pri Preboldu, Savinjska weather forecast

Sestrze, Podravska weather forecast

Setarova, Podravska weather forecast

Sevnica, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Sevno, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sezana, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sibelji, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sikole, Podravska weather forecast

Sinja Gorica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sinji Vrh, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sinkov Turn, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Siroka Set, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Skadanscina, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Skakovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Skale, Savinjska weather forecast

Skarucna, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Skocjan, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Skofija, Savinjska weather forecast

Skofja Loka, Gorenjska weather forecast

Skofja Riza, Zasavska weather forecast

Skofja vas, Savinjska weather forecast

Skoflje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Skofljica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Skoke, Podravska weather forecast

Skomarje, Savinjska weather forecast

Skopo, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Skorba, Podravska weather forecast

Skorno, Savinjska weather forecast

Skrbina, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Skrilje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Skrilje, Goriška weather forecast

Skrjance pri Novem mestu, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sladka Gora, Savinjska weather forecast

Slap ob Idrijci, Goriška weather forecast

Slaptinci, Pomurska weather forecast

Slavina, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Slavinje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Slavsina, Podravska weather forecast

Slepsek, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Slivna, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Slivnica pri Celju, Savinjska weather forecast

Slivnica pri Mariboru, Podravska weather forecast

Slivnisko Pohorje, Podravska weather forecast

Slomi, Podravska weather forecast

Slope, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Slovenj Gradec, Koroška weather forecast

Slovenja vas, Podravska weather forecast

Slovenska Bistrica, Podravska weather forecast

Slovenske Konjice, Savinjska weather forecast

Slovenski Javornik, Gorenjska weather forecast

Smarca, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smarje, Goriška weather forecast

Smarje - Sap, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smarje pri Jelsah, Savinjska weather forecast

Smarje pri Sezani, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Smarjeta, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Smartno, Gorenjska weather forecast

Smartno, Goriška weather forecast

Smartno na Pohorju, Podravska weather forecast

Smartno ob Dreti, Savinjska weather forecast

Smartno ob Paki, Savinjska weather forecast

Smartno pri Litiji, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smartno pri Slovenj Gradcu, Koroška weather forecast

Smartno v Rozni dolini, Savinjska weather forecast

Smartno v Tuhinju, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smecice, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Smednik, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Smihel nad Mozirjem, Savinjska weather forecast

Smihel pod Nanosom, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Smihel pri Zuzemberku, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Smlednik, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smohor, Savinjska weather forecast

Smokvica, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Smolenja vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Smolnik, Podravska weather forecast

Smrecje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smrecno, Podravska weather forecast

Smrje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Smrjene, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Smuka, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sober, Podravska weather forecast

Sobetinci, Podravska weather forecast

Sobrace, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Soca, Goriška weather forecast

Socerga, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Socka, Savinjska weather forecast

Sodinci, Podravska weather forecast

Sodisinci, Pomurska weather forecast

Sodna vas, Savinjska weather forecast

Sodrazica, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Solkan, Goriška weather forecast

Sopotnica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Sora, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Sostanj, Savinjska weather forecast

Sovjak, Pomurska weather forecast

Sovodenj, Gorenjska weather forecast

Spicnik, Podravska weather forecast

Spitalic, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnja Draga, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnja Gorica, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Hajdina, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Idrija, Goriška weather forecast

Spodnja Kapla, Koroška weather forecast

Spodnja Kostrivnica, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnja Loznica, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Nova vas, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Pohanca, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Spodnja Polskava, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Recica, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnja Senarska, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Slivnica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnja Velka, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnja Vizinga, Koroška weather forecast

Spodnja Volicina, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnje Brezovo, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnje Danje, Gorenjska weather forecast

Spodnje Dobrenje, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnje Gameljne, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnje Gorce, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnje Grusovlje, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnje Hlapje, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnje Hoce, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnje Koseze, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnje Mestinje, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnje Pirnice, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnje Prebukovje, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnje Skofije, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Spodnje Tinsko, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnje Verjane, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnje Vodale, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Spodnje Vrtice, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Boc, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Brnik, Gorenjska weather forecast

Spodnji Dolic, Savinjska weather forecast

Spodnji Gasteraj, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Hotic, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnji Ivanjci, Pomurska weather forecast

Spodnji Kamenscak, Pomurska weather forecast

Spodnji Leskovec, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Log, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Spodnji Otok, Gorenjska weather forecast

Spodnji Porcic, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Razbor, Koroška weather forecast

Spodnji Slemen, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Velovlek, Podravska weather forecast

Spodnji Vrsnik, Goriška weather forecast

Spuhlja, Podravska weather forecast

Sratovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Srebotje, Podravska weather forecast

Srednja Bistrica, Pomurska weather forecast

Srednja Kanomlja, Goriška weather forecast

Srednja vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Srednja vas pri Kamniku, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Srednja vas v Bohinju, Gorenjska weather forecast

Srednje Bitnje, Gorenjska weather forecast

Srednje Grcevje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Srednje Laknice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Srednje Pijavsko, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Srednji Dolic, Koroška weather forecast

Srednji Gasteraj, Podravska weather forecast

Srednji Globodol, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Srednji Vrh, Gorenjska weather forecast

Srgasi, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Sromlje, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Srpenica, Goriška weather forecast

Stahovica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Staje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Stajngrova, Podravska weather forecast

Stalcerji, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Stanezice, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Stanjel, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Stanovsko, Podravska weather forecast

Stara Gora, Goriška weather forecast

Stara Lipa, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Stara Loka, Gorenjska weather forecast

Stara Nova vas, Pomurska weather forecast

Stara Oselica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Stara Susica, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Stara vas, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Stara vas - Bizeljsko, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Stara Vrhnika, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Stari Breg, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Stari Kot, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Stari Log, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Stari trg, Koroška weather forecast

Stari trg ob Kolpi, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Stari trg pri Lozu, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Staro Brezje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Staro selo, Goriška weather forecast

Starosince, Podravska weather forecast

Starse, Podravska weather forecast

Statenberg, Podravska weather forecast

Stavesinci, Pomurska weather forecast

Stefanja Gora, Gorenjska weather forecast

Stehanja vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Sticna, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Stiska vas, Gorenjska weather forecast

Stjak, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Stojnci, Podravska weather forecast

Stomaz, Goriška weather forecast

Stope, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Stoperce, Podravska weather forecast

Stopnik, Savinjska weather forecast

Stopnik, Goriška weather forecast

Stopno, Podravska weather forecast

Store, Savinjska weather forecast

Storje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Strahinj, Gorenjska weather forecast

Strahomer, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Strane, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Stranice, Savinjska weather forecast

Stranje, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Straza pri Raki, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Straze, Podravska weather forecast

Strazgonjca, Podravska weather forecast

Strazica, Savinjska weather forecast

Strehovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Strekljevec, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Strihovec, Podravska weather forecast

Strit, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Strmec pri Leskovcu, Podravska weather forecast

Strmica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Strocja vas, Pomurska weather forecast

Strojna, Koroška weather forecast

Strtenica, Savinjska weather forecast

Strukljeva vas, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Strukovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Strunjan, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Studena Gora, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Studenice, Podravska weather forecast

Studeno, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Suhadole, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Suhi Vrh, Koroška weather forecast

Suhorje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Sujica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Susak, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Susje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Suzid, Goriška weather forecast

Sv. Anton, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Svecina, Podravska weather forecast

Sveti Jernej, Savinjska weather forecast

Sveti Tomaz, Podravska weather forecast

Sveti Vid, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Svetina, Savinjska weather forecast

Sveto, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Svino, Goriška weather forecast

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