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Slovenia: Weather Forecast Places

We have weather forecasts for 2255 places in Slovenia. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).

Slovenia Weather Forecasts:

Zabavlje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Zabce, Goriška weather forecast

Zabice, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zabjek, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zabljek, Podravska weather forecast

Zabocevo, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zabovci, Podravska weather forecast

Zabrdo, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zabreznica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zabukovica, Savinjska weather forecast

Zabukovje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zabukovje nad Sevnico, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Zadlog, Goriška weather forecast

Zadolje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zagojici, Podravska weather forecast

Zagon, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zagorci, Podravska weather forecast

Zagorica pri Catezu, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zagorica pri Dobrnicu, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zagorica pri Dolskem, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zagorica pri Velikem Gabru, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zagorje, Savinjska weather forecast

Zagorje ob Savi, Zasavska weather forecast

Zagozdac, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zagrad, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zagradec, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zagrajec, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Zajcje Polje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zajcji Vrh pri Stopicah, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zajelsje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zakl, Podravska weather forecast

Zakojca, Goriška weather forecast

Zakriz, Goriška weather forecast

Zala, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zalec, Savinjska weather forecast

Zali Log, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zalna, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zalog, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zalog pri Cerkljah, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zalosce, Goriška weather forecast

Zalovice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zamenci, Podravska weather forecast

Zamesko, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zamostec, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zapoge, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zapuze, Goriška weather forecast

Zarecica, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zarecje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zasap, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Zastava, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zavino, Goriška weather forecast

Zavodnje, Savinjska weather forecast

Zavratec, Goriška weather forecast

Zavrc, Podravska weather forecast

Zavrh nad Dobrno, Savinjska weather forecast

Zavrh pod Smarno goro, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zavrh pri Borovnici, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zavrhek, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Zavrsje, Zasavska weather forecast

Zavrstnik, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zazar, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zazid, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Zbelovo, Savinjska weather forecast

Zbilje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zbure, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zdenska vas, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zdole, Savinjska weather forecast

Zece, Savinjska weather forecast

Zeje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zejno, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Zelen Breg, Koroška weather forecast

Zelezniki, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zelezno, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zelimlje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zeljne, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zelse, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zemelj, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zenkovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Zerovinci, Podravska weather forecast

Zerovnica, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zetale, Podravska weather forecast

Zgonce, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornja Bela, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornja Bistrica, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Breznica, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Draga, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornja Hajdina, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Kapla, Koroška weather forecast

Zgornja Korena, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Kostrivnica, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornja Kungota, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Lipnica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornja Loznica, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Lusa, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornja Pohanca, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Zgornja Polskava, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Pristava, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Radovna, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornja Recica, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornja Rocica, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Scavnica, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Selnica, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Senarska, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Senica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornja Sorica, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornja Velka, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornja Vizinga, Koroška weather forecast

Zgornja Volicina, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Bitnje, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornje Dobrenje, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Duplje, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornje Gameljne, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornje Gorce, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornje Gorje, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornje Grusovlje, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornje Hlapje, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Hoce, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Jarse, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornje Koseze, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornje Palovce, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornje Partinje, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Pirnice, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornje Pobrezje, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornje Poljcane, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Prebukovje, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornje Roje, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornje Skofije, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Zgornje Stranje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornje Tinsko, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornje Verjane, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Boc, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Brnik, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornji Cacic, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zgornji Duplek, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Gabrnik, Savinjska weather forecast

Zgornji Gasteraj, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Hotic, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornji Jakobski Dol, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Kamenscak, Pomurska weather forecast

Zgornji Leskovec, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Otok, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zgornji Porcic, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Razbor, Koroška weather forecast

Zgornji Tuhinj, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zgornji Velovlek, Podravska weather forecast

Zgornji Zerjavci, Podravska weather forecast

Zibika, Savinjska weather forecast

Zibrse, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zice, Savinjska weather forecast

Zidani Most, Savinjska weather forecast

Ziganja vas, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zikarce, Podravska weather forecast

Zilje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zimarice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Ziri, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zirje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast

Zirovnica, Goriška weather forecast

Zitence, Podravska weather forecast

Zitkovci, Pomurska weather forecast

Zizki, Pomurska weather forecast

Zlabor, Savinjska weather forecast

Zlakova, Savinjska weather forecast

Zlato Polje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast

Zlatolicje, Podravska weather forecast

Zlebic, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zminec, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zrece, Savinjska weather forecast

Zrkovci, Podravska weather forecast

Zubina, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zupelevec, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast

Zupeno, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast

Zuzemberk, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zvab, Podravska weather forecast

Zvirce, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast

Zvirce, Gorenjska weather forecast

Zvodno, Savinjska weather forecast

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