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Slovenia: Weather Forecast Places
We have weather forecasts for 2255 places in Slovenia. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).
Daljni Vrh, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Damelj, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dane pri Divaci, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dane pri Sezani, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Davca, Gorenjska weather forecast
Debece, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Debenec, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Debro, Savinjska weather forecast
Decja vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Decno selo, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Dedni Dol, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dednja vas, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Dekani, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Delnice, Gorenjska weather forecast
Depala vas, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Desen, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Desenci, Podravska weather forecast
Desinec, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Deskle, Goriška weather forecast
Destrnik, Podravska weather forecast
Devina, Podravska weather forecast
Dezno pri Makolah, Podravska weather forecast
Divaca, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dob, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dob pri Sentvidu, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dobec, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dobeno, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dobje pri Lesicnem, Savinjska weather forecast
Dobje pri Planini, Savinjska weather forecast
Doblar, Goriška weather forecast
Doblice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dobrava, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dobrava pri Konjicah, Savinjska weather forecast
Dobrava pri Skocjanu, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dobravica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dobravlje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dobric, Savinjska weather forecast
Dobrije, Koroška weather forecast
Dobrina, Podravska weather forecast
Dobrna, Savinjska weather forecast
Dobrnic, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dobro Polje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dobrova, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dobrovce, Podravska weather forecast
Dobrovnik, Pomurska weather forecast
Dobrovo, Goriška weather forecast
Dobruska vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dogose, Podravska weather forecast
Doklece, Podravska weather forecast
Doklezovje, Pomurska weather forecast
Dol - Suha, Savinjska weather forecast
Dol pri Borovnici, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dol pri Hrastniku, Zasavska weather forecast
Dol pri Hrastovljah, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dol pri Ljubljani, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dole, Goriška weather forecast
Dole pri Polici, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dolenja Trebusa, Goriška weather forecast
Dolenja vas, Gorenjska weather forecast
Dolenja vas, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dolenja vas pri Mirni Peci, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolenje Brdo, Gorenjska weather forecast
Dolenje Gradisce, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolenje Jezero, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dolenje Otave, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dolenje Poljane, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dolenje pri Jelsanah, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dolenje Susice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolenji Bostanj, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Dolenji Lazi, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolenji Podsumberk, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolenji Suhadol, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolenjske Toplice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolga vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolga vas, Pomurska weather forecast
Dolge Njive, Podravska weather forecast
Dolina, Pomurska weather forecast
Dolina, Gorenjska weather forecast
Dolina pri Lendavi, Pomurska weather forecast
Dolje, Goriška weather forecast
Dolnja Bistrica, Pomurska weather forecast
Dolnja Bitnja, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dolnja Briga, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolnja Kosana, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Dolnja Stara vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolnje Brezovo, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Dolnje Cerovo, Goriška weather forecast
Dolnje Dobravice, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolnje Lezece, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dolnje Lozine, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolnje Retje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dolnje Vreme, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dolnji Kot, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolnji Kriz, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dolnji Vrh, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dolsko, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dolz, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Domajinci, Pomurska weather forecast
Domzale, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dornava, Podravska weather forecast
Dornberk, Goriška weather forecast
Dovje, Gorenjska weather forecast
Dovze, Koroška weather forecast
Dragatus, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Drage, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dragomelj, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dragomer, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Dragonja, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dragonja vas, Podravska weather forecast
Dragotinci, Pomurska weather forecast
Dramlje, Savinjska weather forecast
Drasici, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Dravce, Koroška weather forecast
Dravograd, Koroška weather forecast
Dravski Dvor, Podravska weather forecast
Draza vas, Savinjska weather forecast
Drazenci, Podravska weather forecast
Drazgose, Gorenjska weather forecast
Drazica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Drbetinci, Podravska weather forecast
Drenje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Drenov Gric, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Drensko Rebro, Savinjska weather forecast
Drevenik, Savinjska weather forecast
Dreznica, Goriška weather forecast
Drganja sela, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Drnovo, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Drskovce, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Drtija, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Duplje, Goriška weather forecast
Dutovlje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Dvor, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast