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Slovenia: Weather Forecast Places
We have weather forecasts for 2255 places in Slovenia. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).
Harije, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Harje, Savinjska weather forecast
Hlaponci, Podravska weather forecast
Hlavce Njive, Gorenjska weather forecast
Hlevni Vrh, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Hocevje, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Hocko Pohorje, Podravska weather forecast
Hom, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Homec, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Horjul, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Hosnica, Podravska weather forecast
Hotavlje, Gorenjska weather forecast
Hotinja vas, Podravska weather forecast
Hotiza, Pomurska weather forecast
Hramse, Savinjska weather forecast
Hrasce, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Hrast pri Vinici, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Hrastek, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Hrastenice, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Hrastje - Mota, Pomurska weather forecast
Hrastje pri Cerkljah, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Hrastnik, Zasavska weather forecast
Hrastnik pri Trojanah, Zasavska weather forecast
Hrastovec, Podravska weather forecast
Hrastovlje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Hrenca, Podravska weather forecast
Hrenovice, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Hrib - Loski Potok, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Hrib pri Hinjah, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Hrib pri Kamniku, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Hrusevica, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Hrusevje, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Hrusevka, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Hrusica, Gorenjska weather forecast
Hrusica, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Hrvaski Brod, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Hrvatini, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Hudajuzna, Goriška weather forecast
Hudenje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Hudi Kot, Koroška weather forecast
Hudi Log, Goriška weather forecast
Hudi Vrh, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast