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Slovenia: Weather Forecast Places
We have weather forecasts for 2255 places in Slovenia. Browse the list below or use the Search box to get the forecast you want (type the name of a city, town or village).
Jablan, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jablana, Zasavska weather forecast
Jagoce, Savinjska weather forecast
Jagodje, Obalno-kraška weather forecast
Jagrsce, Goriška weather forecast
Jakob pri Sentjurju, Savinjska weather forecast
Jakovica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Jamna, Pomurska weather forecast
Jamnica, Koroška weather forecast
Jance, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Janezevo Brdo, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Janezovci, Podravska weather forecast
Janski Vrh, Podravska weather forecast
Janzeva Gora, Podravska weather forecast
Janzevski Vrh, Koroška weather forecast
Jareninski Dol, Podravska weather forecast
Jareninski Vrh, Podravska weather forecast
Jasen, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Jastrebnik, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Javnik, Koroška weather forecast
Javor, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Javorje, Gorenjska weather forecast
Javornik, Gorenjska weather forecast
Javornik, Savinjska weather forecast
Javorniski Rovt, Gorenjska weather forecast
Javorovica, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jazbine, Savinjska weather forecast
Jazne, Goriška weather forecast
Jelendol, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jelenja vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jelicni Vrh, Goriška weather forecast
Jelovice, Podravska weather forecast
Jelsane, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Jelse, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Jelsevica, Zasavska weather forecast
Jereka, Gorenjska weather forecast
Jereslavec, Spodnjeposavska weather forecast
Jeronim, Savinjska weather forecast
Jesenca, Podravska weather forecast
Jesenice, Gorenjska weather forecast
Jesovec pri Smarju, Savinjska weather forecast
Jevnica, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Jezerca, Goriška weather forecast
Jezerce pri Dobjem, Savinjska weather forecast
Jezero, Osrednjeslovenska weather forecast
Jirsovci, Podravska weather forecast
Josipdol, Koroška weather forecast
Jugorje, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jurisce, Notranjsko-kraška weather forecast
Jurjevica, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jurkloster, Savinjska weather forecast
Jurna vas, Jugovžodna Slovenija weather forecast
Jurovski Dol, Podravska weather forecast