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Genre: Western
Wildfire is a 1945 American film directed by Robert Emmett Tansey. The film is also known as Wildfire: The Story of a Horse in the United Kingdom.
Directed by: Robert Emmett Tansey
Written by: Frances Kavanaugh, W.C. Tuttle
Starring: Bob Steele, Sterling Holloway, John Miljan
Release: 1945
Running time: 57 minutes
Country: United States
Language: English
Bank teller Vince Grayson dreams that he stabs a man in an octagonal room of mirrors and locks the body in a closet. When he wakes up, he discovers marks on his throat, a strange key and a button in his pocket, and blood on his cuff. Cliff Herlihy, his police officer brother-in-law, tries to convince him it was just a dream. Crime, Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery, Thriller.